This has NOTHING to do with Cho, but do I care? No!
I want a bunny!!!! I have since the 3rd Grade; just ask Caroline7891! My parents are super uptight, so I have a plan. This plan starts now, and will end at the end of the summer when I ask my dad FIRST, since my mom uses the excuse of, "Dad doesn't want a pet." HA! My plan is so genius, so perfect, I can't even tell if it might work!
Zee plan for Zis bunny iz. . . .
-Make sure she notices I want a bunny (she already does) like a computer background as a bunny, wanted to be interested and wanting bunny related stuff
-RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!! Make it seem obvious I'm reading the books too.
-Then during July or something I will have her quiz me, and all the questions she doesn't ask I will answer, while saying these are important details.
-I will then ask my lovely father, which I hope he will say yes. . . .
-If he says yes (and he better) I will then have my mom quiz me again and tell her to keep and open mind and that I will not take no for an answer because then you are not having an open mind.
Do you think it will work? And I'm talking about really REALLY closed minded parents. Well except for my dad. At least I can count on him for this bunny.
I want one that looks a little like this: (He's my computer background)
Isn't he cute? I want a girl bunny BTW. Anyone got any good names? (Boy names ARE expectable but only if they are really AWESOME names.)